If you’re interested to learn some effective strategies for MSPs and find real success in the growing VoIP phone system market, this article is for you.
From Gold Nuggets To VoIP Phone Systems
There have been several prominent gold rushes throughout history. The California Gold Rush started in 1848, the Witwatersrand Gold Rush in 1886 in what is now South Africa, the Klondike Gold Rush that began in 1896 in northwestern Canada, and many, many more. A lot of people made their fortunes in these gold rushes, but you’re unlikely to make your fortune by panning for gold in 2022. Scouring the earth for hitherto undiscovered tangible resources is more speculative than doing so in the 19th century. But there are ways to find wealth now that weren’t available back then.
The VoIP Gold Rush
As we begin the new year, 2022, there is no rush to find gold in some river valley or frozen mountain, but rather we’re seeing a rush to VoIP. Since 2020, we’ve seen a remarkable increase in the demand for VoIP services and that shows no signs of abating. The global Voice over Internet Protocol market is not new, of course. It’s been around since the mid-1990s, but its growth in the recent past and expected growth in the near future is worth getting excited about. According to Global Market Insights, the VoIP phone systems market is predicted to hit a record $55 billion by 2025, more than doubling its estimated value of $20 billion in 2018.
Just like the gold rushes of old, there are many ways to profit from the VoIP Rush. And just like in the days of yore, some ways are more effective than others. Many of the people who went panning for gold found more troubles than they did gold. But those who set up services to cater to the gold miners and those who financed operations made just as much if not more than the miners. This raises the question, “What’s the best way to find success in the VoIP Rush of 2022?
Navigating The VoIP Rush
Did you know that in gold rushes, particularly the California Gold Rush, the gold rocks prospectors found were almost all tiny nuggets? About 90% of the discovered golden nuggets were small, weighing under a pound. In fact, only 16,000 gold rocks larger than 30 pounds were ever found.
How does this apply to the VoIP Rush? Well, just as most of the successful gold prospectors focused on small but plentiful gold rocks, so too should those in the VoIP Rush focus their efforts on small but plentiful opportunities. As an MSP you are likeliest to find success by thinking small. Even very small.
VSBs, MSPs, And VoIP
A very small business (VSB) is classified as having fewer than 20 employees. There are over five million VSBs in the United States today, accounting for 90% of all U.S. companies. For MSPs looking to strike VoIP gold in 2022, focusing on VSBs offers the best chances for success.
VSBs Need VoIP Phone Systems More Than Most
As in many facets of life, there is often a temptation to try to strike it big by going big. For example, if an MSP lands one huge deal with one huge company, they’re set for life, right? Possibly, but the chances of getting that deal are narrow at best. And not only are MSPs far likelier to find success by working with VSBs, a strong portfolio full of satisfied small businesses can give them better chances of landing bigger contracts in the future. The sheer volume of VSBs alone sets them apart as a crucial segment of the market on which to focus, but there are other reasons to target VSBs, too.
Apart from there being far more VSBs, they also have a greater need for VoIP phone systems. Technologies such as VoIP enable VSBs to be immediately available to their customers. This not only allows them to provide excellent customer service, it also makes their service indistinguishable from that of a large company.
For most VSBs, having an in-house IT team is wildly impractical. VSBs just aren’t big enough to employ a team of personnel devoted to managing IT and communications. As an MSP, you can provide a VoIP solution that doesn’t require a VSB’s internal attention, allowing them to communicate effectively without the stress of managing their own system. Furthermore, MSPs can solve a variety of problems that VSBs commonly have by providing them with the best-fit VoIP solution. And they can do so while meeting the constraints of the limited budgets that VSBs commonly have.
Start Striking Gold For Your MSP In 2022
If you’re ready to take advantage of the golden opportunities found in the VSB market, D3UC can help. Our white-label, cloud-based phone and unified communications service allows MSPs to offer the best solutions for a still-growing VoIP market. Get in touch with us today to find your gold bonanza.