Are you an MSP looking to create sales opportunities for cloud phones and unified communications (UC)? Learn how to understand and address the pain points of the very small business.
The Very Small Business Market Is Actually Very Big.
In the United States today there are approximately 5.2 million very small businesses, or VSBs. By comparison, there are only 500,000 of what would typically be classified as small businesses, meaning those with 20 to 99 employees. VSBs are defined as having fewer than 20 employees and they face unique challenges that even small businesses don’t face.
What does this mean for MSPs looking to sell to VSBs? It is critical to develop a true understanding of the unique pain points of these “Main Street” type businesses in order to create sales opportunities for cloud phones and UC. Here are some of the top struggles of VSBs and how MSPs can help address those struggles.
What Are The Top Challenges Of VSBs?
Needing to do more with less is common among small- and even medium-sized enterprises, but even they aren’t in the same position as VSBs. To succeed with a VSB often means having to provide the same type of service that a much larger company could with far fewer resources. Luckily for VSBs, MSPs can help make this task easier in a variety of ways.
VSBs Need The Right Technology At The Right Price.
Because VSBs are in a unique place given their size, the technologies that support the growth of even a slightly larger small business might not be a great fit for a VSB. Furthermore, just because a VSB has identified the technologies it needs doesn’t mean it’s easy to acquire those technologies at a price it can afford.
MSPs are in a position to help. They can leverage their expertise and vendor relationships to not only identify the best technologies to meet a VSB’s needs, but also to align them with a vendor that can meet those needs at a cost they can afford.
VSBs Must Perform A Tricky Balancing Act.
A VSB doesn’t have many employees, but that doesn’t mean their technology needs are small as well. VSBs often have to compete with much larger companies, so their technology needs are often significant. Cloud phones and UC are two examples of technologies that can be critical to the success of VSBs. Technologies such as these can facilitate communication among employees and customers so that a VSB is capable of delivering excellent service.
When working with a VSB customer, it’s important for an MSP to understand what the technologies they buy will be used for and by whom. VSBs often need expert advice to help them balance technologies they invest in and the number of employees that investment will ultimately benefit.
VSBs Can Benefit By Making Themselves Look Bigger.
A common challenge VSBs face arises from having to prove they are no less capable than their larger competitors. Indeed, this challenge is often at the crux of success for many VSBs. One of the best ways to accomplish this is for a VSB to make itself more available to their customers.
Often, the best way to achieve this is through the utilization of technologies such as cloud phones and UC. With features such as “find me, follow me”, a virtual receptionist, and mobile integration, cloud phone systems make it possible for VSBs to be instantly available to their clients. This allows a VSB to appear to its customers to be much larger than it actually is.
Are You Ready To Help VSBs Meet The Size Challenge?
Because they number over five million, very small businesses represent a massive portion of the market for cloud phone systems and UC. For MSPs interested in capitalizing on the unique needs of VSBs, D3UC is here to help. We can provide these especially small companies with the technology solutions they require while increasing your profits. Contact us today to get started.